Mr Paphitis – an all round top human being

As avid readers of Rockhoppers will tell you, I’m adept at making excuses as to why I don’t blog every week; but refreshingly, the reason for this post’s tardiness is not that we’ve been swanning off, enjoying all the action the South West has to offer. No! This post is shockingly overdue because Rockpool Trading has had an unexpected, but super appreciated, boost from everybody’s favourite Dragon – Mr Theo Paphitis!

That’s right – he of Dragon’s Den fame. The shortish one with the glasses, who actually talks a lot of sense? Hang on, I’ll dig out a picture…


There! Recognise him?? Good. Well aside from being the thinking woman’s crumpet, he’s also a pretty decent human being, and a big supporter of small business, running as he does, a support scheme for small enterprises called #SmallBusinessSunday. Every week he picks 6 businesses out of the thousands who tweet him to support and promote that week, and on 18th August, little ol’ Rockpool Trading joined this elite group of fabulousness.

And this is the reason we’ve been busy – along with the support of Theo comes a tidal wave of social media interest, local press interest, new contacts and hell, even some new orders. And whilst we love everything that comes with being an #SBS winner, it does take us to a whole new level of multi-tasking, as we try to fit in a busy small business with jobs and children. But none of this matters – we’re so so excited to get Mr P’s support and join THE BIG BOYS. The word is spreading Rockhopper fans – we’re now a tiny fish in a very large (rock)pool.